Meet the Editors: Tyler Griffith and Michelle Crawford

 Do you drive to school? What was your most listened to driving song on your morning commute this year?

“Yes! And it has to be S.O.S by ABBA.” – Tyler

“No I don’t, but probably Tomorrow Z, by Gorilla.” – Michelle

Which school tradition are you most proud of?

“The flowers.” – Tyler

“Homecoming Pep Rally.” – Michelle

What’s your favorite school lunch?

“The cheese things” – Tyler

“Circle pizza” – Michelle 

Should the school have or keep vending machines?

“Bring back the Snapple.” – Tyler

“Keep and add more snacks.” – Michelle

What’s your most embarrassing in school memory? What happened and did you  learn anything from it?

“When I almost fell during a marching contest! To keep going no matter what!” – Tyler

“When I almost fell coming back in from lunch.” – Michelle

Do you have a favorite class/teacher?

“PPP/Yearbook! Mrs. Mears.” – Tyler

“Mrs. Mears.” – Michelle

You can bring any three of your classmates on a cross-country road trip in your family’s hatchback: who would you choose and why?

“Tomas, Naomi, & Gwen! Tomas – fast, Naomi – support, Gwen – support.” – Tyler

“Taylor, Alyssa, Tati.”- Michelle

What is a life lesson you have learned so far in high school?

“To push on no matter what anyone says! If you have a dream, stay on it!” – Tyler

“Stay on top of things because people won’t do it for you.” – Michelle  

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