FFA Spotlight: Junior-Dakota Manaseri

What made you join FFA? Both of my parents were FFA members when they were in high school and I wanted to grow my love, knowledge, and experience with animals. 

What is your biggest accomplishment within the chapter? Although I didn’t place well, I am proud to say I was the first Itasca FFA member to show at the Heart O’ Texas Fair and Rodeo in a very long time – possibly ever. (I’ve also been told that I make the best cookies at FFA parties..) 

How many years have you been involved in the chapter? This is only my second year involved in the Itasca FFA chapter and in FFA. 

What has been your favorite memory in FFA? I love the late-night car rides back from events when music is blasting and everybody is singing along. 

If you could give the new members a piece of advice, what would it be? Don’t be afraid to try new things, hesitation only makes you regret not doing it sooner. 

What are your future plans after high school? I hope to become a large/farm animal vet so I can continue working with and around animals and provide for them just as they provide for us.