Movie Review: Taxi Driver

When it comes to movies, the vast majority of them are set in New York. The exact origin of this trend may be unknown, but I think it is due in large part to the success of Martin Scorsese’s 1976 masterpiece Taxi Driver. The film follows Travis, a young man who spends his days wandering the streets and looking for work. When we first meet Travis, he gets a job driving a taxi cab, working nights and even holidays. On the side he struggles with loneliness, sleep deprivation, and abuse of various substances, all of which he writes about in his diary.

Travis is played by a young Robert De Niro, who is absolutely the best part of the film. Like most of his other roles, De Niro completely disappears into his character and gives the performance his all. Other notable cast members include Cybill Shepherd as Betsy, Harvey Keitel as Sport, and a twelve year old Jodie Foster as Iris. Every actor in the film is excellent in their own right, and they all make their characters come to life. The writing also contributes to this, with it’s smart, humble, and thought-provoking dialogue. 

The overall tone of the film also adds to the sense of life, and I think only Martin Scorsese could have pulled it off. The gritty streets of New York mixed with Scorsese’s signature style truly make the film one of a kind. Countless films over the years have taken inspiration from Taxi Driver, but none of them can surpass it. 

The film is rated R in the United States and was nominated for 4 academy awards upon its release (including Best Picture). I think the film is absolutely incredible, and I would give it a nine out of ten. Taxi Driver is a must-see for those interested in filmmaking or just movies in general, and I think it deserves it’s reputation as one of the greatest films ever made.

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