FFA Week- FFA Member Spotlights

How long have you been in FFA?

Hector C.- “2 years.”

Zander W.- ” 2 years.”

Sirena R.- “2 years.”

Justin O.- “This is my first year.”

Dustin B.-“2 years.”

Gwen B.- ” 2 years.”

Hannah B.- “5 years.”

Joseph D.-“4 years.”

Naomi C.-” 3 years.”

Tomas C.-” 1 year.”

Wyatt B.-” 3 years.”

Joseph W.-” 3 years.”

Lukas N. – ” This year.”

Evelyn V.- “4 years.”

Gunner S. – “2 years.”

Roy P. – “Probably around 2 years, since I was in 8th grade.”

Ayden A. – “2 years.”

Jermey R. – “2 years.”

Kylee M. – “4 months.”

Madi M. – “One year, just joined this year.”

Amaya B. – “Just joined, only been a few months.”

Dakota M. – “2 years.”

Mahala G.- “2 years.”

Kathy V.- “1 year.”

Eleanna S.- “Since I was in 8th grade.”

Joseph W.- “Since I was in 7th grade, so 5 years.”

Alyssa B. – “4 years.”

JT M- “3 years”

Why are you in FFA?

Hector C. -“For welding.”

Zander W.-” I wanted to do something new.”

Sirena R.-” It’s fun, it gives me new experiences.”

Hannah B.-” All my family has been in FFA, therefore it encouraged me to go into it.”

Joseph D.- ” Wanted to learn responsibilities.”

Naomi C.- “Ms. Chapman made me do it, she helped me get out there.”

Justin O.- ” I wanted to show rabbits.”

Dustin B.- “Ms. Chapman asked me to join FFA.”

Tomas C.- “I wanted to show rabbits and do Ag Mech.”

Wyatt B.-” Because why not? It’s fun!”

Evelyn V.-“I am passionate about the Ag industry, all the competing aspects, and the family feeling environment.”

Joseph W.-” Because why not?”

Lukas N.- “Experience for my future career “

Gunner S. – “To gain experience for my future career and great times.”

Roy P. – “It gives me useful life skills.”

Ayden A.- “Because I love it.”

Jeremy R. – “It’s really fun.”

Kylee m. – “I like agriculture.”

Madi M.- “I’m in FFA because it’s fun to show and the people are fun to be around.”

Amaya B.- “I want to set a goal and test my limits.”

Dakota M.- “My parents met in FFA and I wanted to see what it was all about.”

Kathy V.-” Means I can try and experience new things.”

Eleanna S.- “I enjoy showing rabbits.”

Joseph W.- “I like to make things and learn how to weld and it’s a good extracurricular activity.”

Alyssa B. – “To learn about responsibility and taking care of an animal.”

Mahala G.- “Because my family does it.”

JT M.- “I joined FFA mostly to become a better speaker”


What does being in the FFA mean to you?

Hector C.-” It means having a class where I can enjoy being in.”

Zander W.- “Caring for others.”

Sirena R.-“Having a family that’s always there when I need them.”

Justin O.-“Being able to represent Itasca and win prizes.”

Hannah B.-“Being able to compete with friends, and still having fun.”

Joseph D.-” Having Leadership, friends, and fun.”

Naomi C.-“Growth I’ve made, I used to be shy, but now I’m competitive and found a passion in showing rabbits.”

Wyatt B.-” Having another family.”

Joseph W.” Having people, I love and care about.”

Tomas C.-” Having creed in Spanish gives me the opportunity to practice with my mom.”

Dustin B.-” Being in Radio.”

Lukas N.- “It means I get to get great experience and knowledge.”

Evelyn V.-” It means having a place where I feel I belong, and working into a growth industry, but overall having my other family.”

Gunner S. – “It’s just a great thing to be in.”

Roy P. – “It means to me to be a good respectful person.”

Ayden A.- “Fun things.”

Jeremy R.- “It’s a lot of work.”

Kylee M. – “Working hard at your goals.”

Madi M. – “FFA means learning to be a leader and work with others.”

Amaya B.- “Being a part of our future farmers, and being able to learn about agriculture, and educating others.”

Dakota M.- “An opportunity to learn.”

Kathy V.-“It means I have friends that are equivalent to family now.” 

Eleanna S.- “Getting to experience more opportunities.”

Joseph W.- “It means I can go out with friends while making things that are useful that people may use one day.”

Alyssa B.- “Getting to experience new things and meeting new people.”

Mahala G.- “You put in the work to do FFA.”

JT M.- “It means commitment friends and good times.”


Do you have any advice for students who might be interested in joining FFA?

Hector C.-“Don’t forget to pay! Do welding!”

Zander W.-” If you’re doing it for the first time, CHOOSE RABBITS!”

Sirena R.-“Do it! It’s fun!”

Justin O.-“If you love agriculture, I recommend doing it.”

Dustin B.-“If you enjoy competing, do it!”

Hannah B.-” If you’re interested, join it!”

Joseph D.-“Do as much as you can!”

Wyatt B.-“It’s fun! Go for it!”

Naomi C.-“Do it all!”

Joseph W.-“It’s Great! Do it!”

Evelyn V.-” Try everything that’s offered to you, at first, it’s intimidating but it’s worth it. You will always have a support system!”

Tomas C.-“Buy Rabbits!”

Lukas N. – “Do it, you get good experience and good times.”

Gunner S.- “Join it and do a lot of stuff to gain experience.”

Roy P. – “You must pay your dues to be in FFA otherwise you won’t be in it.”

Ayden A.-“Totally worth it and you get fun adventures.”

Jeremy R. – “It makes you put in work whenever you get the opportunity.”

Kylee M. – “Just try your hardest, and get your work done.”

Madi M. -“Just have fun with it because everyone is super nice and supportive.”

Amaya B.- “Be consistent, make time, and you don’t have to know everything about agriculture!”

Dakota M.- “Just join don’t wait!”

Kathy V.-” Try new things, you’ll never know if you’re good at something unless you try!”

Eleanna S.- “Go ahead and join and support it.”

Joseph W.- “Join while you can! you’re not here forever.”

Alyssa B.- “Try and do as much as you can.”

Mahala G.- “It’s lot of work.”

JT. M.- “My advice for joining is look up the events and see what you want to do, then talk to your FFA advisor about joining.”

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