Itasca FFA Hosts Its First Speaking Competition


It’s no secret amongst the FFA kids that prepared public speaking is Ms. Chapman’s favorite thing! She lives for SDE season and she works hard to convince every kid she can to participate! This year Itasca FFA has the most public speakers they’d ever had. Ms. Chapman has a public speaking team of 11 this year and their SDE season is off to a great start. Not only have our students been putting in the work to attend competitions but today they hosted the first-ever Itasca FFA Public Speaking Invitational! We hosted 8 schools and their public speakers as well as our own.

Our Itasca FFA members not only assisted in hosting a contest for others but did a great job themselves as competitors too! For some of them, today was their first speaking contest! A shoutout to Mr. Bronar who made all the awards we gave out today!

Our results were as follows:

Dakota M: 3rd place Ag Policy 2nd Place Extemp

Kylee M: 2nd place Junior Prepared

Carlos D: 3rd place Animal Science

Joe W: 5th place Plant

Kathy V: 1st place Natural Resources

Evelyn V: 2nd place Tech and Comm

Naomi C: 1st place Animal Science

Stay tuned for more results in the upcoming week!

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