
 Moving to somewhere new may be a big change for some people. Whether that be because they are moving away from home, family, friends? It could have just been a place that they really enjoyed being. Moving can always give you a burst of different emotions. Happiness or Excitement even. But for some this big change could have them feeling worried, anxious and overwhelmed. Being so far away from the people that you love and care about so much is never an easy feeling to deal with; and trying to express that to someone else may not be so easy either. Why? Because sometimes even though the person you’re expressing it to may say that they understand the way that you may feel. In reality if they don’t have that same emotional attachment to the same people that you do. Or if just getting up, leaving and not being neat their family and friends is such an ease to them. They will never actually be able to feel the same way about it that you do. Forever being completely initiative because it doesn’t effect them in any shape, way or form. Choosing to be so far away can be a difficult decision to make and in the beginning you may not feel any type of way about it. Until your video calling family, seeing them all have dinner at the table and catching a glimpse of the chair you used to sit in making jokes with everyone. Or when you casually click on a friends post/story from back home and see them having so much fun without you. Hanging out, going places all without you. You’d never want your friends to not be happy and live their lives, but it’s still a terrible feeling. That’s when the reality hits though. Just because you leave doesn’t mean everyone’s going to stop living their lives and the world will forever continue to spin. Just make it your mission to visit them when the opportunity occurs. Being homesick is ok, and going through this process can help you learn how to deal with your distance…

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