Brayden Lynn Mears (17) was born in Cleburne, TX. July 17th, 2007. His parents are Courtney and Cody Mears. He has two siblings: Dawson (15), and Easton (7).
He has attended Itasca since Pre-K. He is involved in the Itasca band, football, basketball, baseball, and track teams. He likes to think of himself as “talented, kind, and funny”. His favorite teachers are Mrs. Mears and Mrs. Kirk. When Brayden isn’t busy with school, he enjoys playing baseball. His advice to the underclassmen is, “Stay out of trouble”.
Brayden’s role model is his dad. He would like to thank his mom for getting him this far, and Tucker Mears for making a difference in his life.
After graduation, he plans to go to college at A&M, and he sees himself 10 years from now still in med school.