14-year-old freshman, Emilia Figueroa’s favorite class is Biology taught by Mr. Patterson.
Biology is the study of living organisms divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, anatomy, physiology, behavior, origin, and distribution.
Freshman- ” I really like the work in there, Its a breeze for me, and the teacher is super fun, and nice.”
Emilia’s best work environment is a quiet space with no distractions, and this class meets that requirement.
Staff writer- ” Would you say this class motivates you?”
Freshman- “ It motives me to be productive and to really get my work done.”
She is excited for this school year since this is her first time attending Itasca High School. She says she is ” most excited for the pep rallies.”
Staff writer- “How is high school compared to middle school?”
Freshmen- “High school compared to middle school is much better. It’s kind of bigger and there is a lot more people, for me in a way this is much greater.
To all freshmen, I hope you have an amazing first-year experience!