Joseph Michael Gurrusquieta (18) was born on April 2nd, 2006 in Lake Worth, TX to his parents Ruben and Vanessa Gurrusquieta. He has seven siblings, Sabian (29), Nathan (20), Abigail (17), Jacob (15), Bella (14), Amelia (5), and Josh (4). He would best describe himself as outgoing, likable, and approachable. He is also a fast learner.
Joseph has attended Itasca ISD since the 4th grade. He is involved in Band, Tennis, NHS, Interact Club, Yearbook, Newspaper, Broadcasting, and FCA. Some of his favorite teachers at Itasca have been Mrs. Mears, Mrs. Innis, Mrs. Roberts, and Mrs. Jeansonne. His advice for the underclassmen is, “Get involved, stay organized, don’t be afraid of ask for help, take care of yourself, focus on progress, not perfection, and enjoy the ride.”
Jopseh’s role model is his parents. His friend Ezra and his parents have made a difference in his life, and he would like to thank them all for helping him get this far in life.
Joseph’s plan after graduation is to attend UTA [Arlington]. In ten years, he sees himself selling houses and living well while enjoying life.