Have you ever traveled Internationally? If not, take some of these tips from someone who had to learn the hard way what NOT to do while traveling internationally. Your idea of traveling may be all rainbows and butterflies, but in reality, it’s learning the difficult way to never live in another country unless you understand the customs and traditions that follow along with it. Just traveling on a plane can be an educational experience in itself.
Packing at the last minute is what you want to avoid at all costs because unpacking at the resort or hotel and then realizing you forgot your shampoo or conditioner is one of the worst feelings as an avid traveler. Make sure to pack neatly! If you’re like me, you’ll want to bring your entire wardrobe, but to do that, ensure you pack in an organized manner to fit as much as possible; packing cubes are also a wonderful way to keep things neat and separated. Having a checklist and double-checking everything you have to ensure you won’t forget or lose anything on or before the trip, having a physical one is more effective than using a digital list if you’re forgetful.
Now that you’re all packed, the night before may be exciting, but be sure to go to sleep early. From experience, traveling may just involve sitting down in a chair and essentially doing nothing, but trust me, you will be exhausted to your ends if your flight is long. Great! Now you feel confident as you drive to the airport, but that’s just the beginning of the battle…
Wear a reasonable outfit! Traveling out of the country means you need to go through line after line just to get inside the airport to wait for your flight until you have to get into another line after a line to get inside the plane. It’s a very long process and I highly advise you to wear a good matching pair of socks, as you will have to take your shoes off at some point. Don’t wear anything with metal on the drawstrings or anything of that sort as you will most likely have to be patted down and yes, it is as uncomfortable as it seems. Keep almost an iron grip to all of your belongings such as your credit card, technology, passport, and boarding pass. If you lose any of those things while or before you get on the plane, they will be lost forever.
If you have never traveled very far, take motion sickness medicine before you board the plane. You never know if you’ll be prone to motion sickness if you’ve never been in a plane before. Bring a good pair of noise canceling headphones because I promise you, it’s just as some people say, a baby will be crying in your ear almost the entire time. Also, it’s still a public setting so there is a probability that there are people who snore.
In conclusion, traveling is very stressful, but the destination is obviously the best part of traveling and makes it all worth it. Take all of these tips and listen to them so you don’t have a bad experience and get to enjoy your first time traveling internationally!