Meet our Marketing Manager, Sari Watson! She is currently in 11th grade and is a part of the Yearbook Staff. Though she is currently our Marketing Manager, next year Sari is looking forward to being one of the 2025-2026 Co-Editors!
A fun fact about Sari is that she moved down from Michigan to Texas! Her favorite part about being in Yearbook is being able to express her creativity. Some of her hobbies is drawing and crafting, which makes Yearbook a lot more fun for her!
One of her favorite memories from her time being in Yearbook is the Halloween party we had during activity and lunch.
When asked what advice she has for students considering joining Yearbook, she responded, “Don’t think of this class as an easy A, come in here with determination and persistence.”
We are so fortunate to have Sari’s creativity and contagious positive energy on our team!