Friday 10/21 Clap Out & Cross Roads Game



Friday Night Lights- Itasca Varsity Vs. Cross Roads

Sadly, our boys on the Itasca football team had to handle another loss the other night, nearly ending their playoff run. Luckily, they can force a three way tie for the district title, if they win the next two games with a high scoring game. Our boys have been working day and night for this, and there hasn’t been a winning team in Itasca, Texas for quite some time. Each of these boys sacrificed their summer, working in heat advisory weather at 100°F, then waking up at 5:30 A.M. to get to practice at 6:00 A.M. Putting in the hard work that no one else wants to do just to be a contender for the playoffs- that’s true determination and perseverance. 

On Friday, October 21st, the Itasca offense was holding on very tightly to the dream of the playoffs, doing their best on every snap of the ball. David Torres ran 18 carries for 73yds and 1 touchdown. Buddy Jackson had 14 carries for 90 yards and threw the ball for 86 yards with one touchdown pass to Caden Littlejohn. Caden Littlejohn also had 4 catches for 42 yards, including that touchdown pass. Kori Shaw also had 3 catches for 39 yards. Our total offensive drive came out to be 271 total yards.

Our defensive team only allowed the Crossroads offense 275 yards total with only giving up two touchdowns. Kayd Lightsey, our leading defender comes home with 10 tackles and 7 assists pushing back the Crossroads offense. Alex Andrade, another senior linebacker, brought home 10 tackles and 2 assists.

Our boys hold the game of football very dear to their hearts. We wish the best for them in these next two home games, and will continue to support their drive and determination to keep fighting for the playoffs! Let’s go boys!


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