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The Student News Site of Itasca High School. Proudly serving Itasca the "Big, Little" town since 1997.

The Paw Print Press

The Student News Site of Itasca High School. Proudly serving Itasca the "Big, Little" town since 1997.

The Paw Print Press

I’m Thankful For… “High School Edition”


“I’m thankful for the life I have, my friends, my family, my boyfriend, and everything I have and love.” -April Battleson

“I’m thankful for Jesus Christ.” -Marisa Ramos

“I am thankful for the amount of time I get to spend with the people I surround myself with.” -Lillian Johnson

“For everything.” -Angel Reveles

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“I’m thankful God woke me up this morning. I’m thankful for my family, my dog, and my friends.” -Anniya Crooks

“My family, God and the people He put in my life.” -Fedra Garza

“I am thankful to attend a school that is so well staffed, funded, and supported by the community.” -Henry Bowman

“Not falling down the stairs every time I go down.” -Valerie Younger

“I am very grateful for all the friends and family.” -Kaylee Cordell

“Everything.” -Brandon Ivan Reyes

“My friends.” -Madeline Younger

“I’m thankful for Mrs. Brown as she helped me deal with not only school, but personal problems I have dealt with and it makes me feel comfortable and safe when speaking about such problems. I’m thankful that she is open to whatever conversation there is even if it’s just a greeting.” -Alvin Thao

“I am thankful for my teacher Mrs. Mears, my family and friends, and my gf.” -EJ Garcia

“I’m thankful for my English teacher.” -Xavier Aguilar

“My family.” -Austin Pearson

“My parents.” -Brayden Daniel

“My teachers and family.” -Gabriel Browder

“My loved ones.” -Lukas Nieto

“I am thankful for my family and friends.” -Grace Ann Soria

“Food, and three hooligans I call my friends, and an adult that acts like a kid.” -Rylie Novian

“For my life.” -Lilliam Sandoval

“My family, friends and Madi.” -Joseph Gurrusquieta

“I am thankful for my mom. She does so much for me and pays for everything I do.” -Camron Love

“My family and best friends.” -Jessica Baskett

“I’m thankful and truly blessed for all the people that I have in my life.” -Kaden Cordell

“What I’ve been given in my life.” -Crystal Aguillon

“I’m thankful for food.” -Dustin Baker

“I am thankful for many things, but most importantly I am thankful I have a healthy family, my fur babies, Miguel Gamez, a house, as well as clothes and food for everyday. I am also thankful for Mrs. Mears, who has made my high school experience a hundred times better.” -Krystal Monares

“I’m thankful for my friends and family.” -Romeo Saldierna

“I am thankful for my mom for always being there for me and my brothers, and that she had to work hard being a single mom. I know she has worked hard to keep up with the bellies of 5 boys. I know she has had a hard past, but now I hope we have a better future.” -Braxtin Day

“My mom and Ari.”- Naeomi Salais

“I’m thankful for the friends, life, and opportunities I’ve been given.”- Dakota Manaseri

“My Family.” – Leah Moreno

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