Mardi Gras

Today February 21, 2023 is Mardi Gras, and or Fat Tuesday! Mardi Gras was the celebration of Pagan fertility celebrations as well as a celebration for the oncoming season of Spring. After Christianity arrived in Rome, religious leaders decided to instead of abolishing those traditions, to instead add Christianity into them instead as it’d be easier. As a result of that, the week-long celebration of Mardi Gras would end on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent. Lent is a Christian tradition where they fast for 40 days and keep milk, eggs, and fats out of their pantries till the 40-day period is up. Mardi Gras nowadays is a massive celebration with lots of drinking, parties, parades, food, fireworks, and many more fun activities! Though it is celebrated all around the world, some places are more known for their big celebrations, and tourists coming around during that time, one place being New Orleans. New Orleans gets around a million tourists every year for the Mardi Gras celebration. Not only do they get a ton of people from around the world but they also put on a massive parade, music festivals, costume contests, floats, and more! Mardi Gras is also the last day of carnival season so often most places like Rio, New Orleans, Venice, and many others celebrate late into the night for the last day. Though Mardi Gras is a massive celebration and many families participate, make sure you’re being safe, watching for people, having a designated driver if you’re drinking, and keeping an eye on any children you may bring to the carnival! Many people aren’t aware of surroundings and may get hurt or lose important things so always being careful especially with your kids around a bunch of people is always a good option! If you did celebrate Mardi Gras I hope you enjoyed and had a great time and were safe!

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